Monday, 26 July 2010

Membership fees 2010/2011

A gentle reminder for any members reading this that membership fees for the forthcoming year are payable from 1st September onwards.


Horus Egyptology Society.

Events Diary for 2010/2011

The list of events for the forthcoming twelve months are as follows:


30th September:

Victor Blunden - TBA

25th November:

Professor Ken Kitchen - Discovering Ancient Egypt in Rio de Janiero


20th January:

John Johnson - Seti I

31st March:

Linda Clarke
- Senusret II

26th May:

Dr. Aidan Dodson - Ramses II's Poisoned Legacy - The Fall of the 19th Dynasty

28th July:

Dr. Joann Fletcher & Dr. Stephen Buckley - Pre-Dynastic Egypt